The Speed of Photography With Carrie Giordano


It’s always interesting how many differences there are among the various genres of photography. On this podcast we always talk landscape photography, but I will admit I forget that many photographers dabble in multiple genres.

Carrie Giordano is someone that I began following because of her sports photography. I was enamored by her creative angles and multiple exposures of live action. And then I saw her landscape photography. A quick invitation to come on the podcast followed.

In this episode, Carrie and I discuss the differences in the speed of photography when you compare genres. Sports photography and landscape photography vary greatly in speed. The action is faster in sports, the editing, and the posting are all at light speed. However, landscape photography is a much slower process. What’s the headspace in that and how do you balance the two?

We also discuss the differences in getting a traditional education in photography versus being self taught via blogs and YouTube, and many other topics as well!